make a real splash with swimming pools

The first thing we think about when the degrees start risin’ is how good it feels to hop into a pool to cool off. And, of course we do! Pools are a perfect blend of active fun and outdoor play, especially on hot summer days. Your little guppies and full-time fishies can hop in, splash around and have a great time right in the backyard! There’s a great-sized pool for every little swimmer, too, and some that can even help you cool off once the chores are done and it’s time for some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Let’s jump right in and check out pools that’ll make a splash for every member of your family!

baby pools

Baby pools, do do do do do! Introduce the little ones to water play with a pool that’s made just for them! Baby pools are a great, tactile way to play outside and let them explore.

There are loads of benefits to introducing your littles to swimming, too! They’ll develop balance and coordination, plus they’ll strengthen muscles as they play. For parents who have some trouble getting their guppies to go to bed on a schedule, a baby pool is a great way to release energy and get them sleepy in no time!

kiddie pools

Kiddie pools are typically for kids ages three and up. These come a little longer and a little deeper than baby pools, and there might even be room for a bestie to take a dip with them! Kiddie pools range in size and shape, usually about seven feet long, but they are usually at a depth of 20-25”, or just about two feet deep. This gives ’em just enough space to cool down, splash and play safely.

family pools

Wanna cool off yourself? We totally understand! Family pools are perfect to get everyone in and playin’ with some room to spare! The biggest difference between a kiddie pool and a family pool is the length. Family pools can range in length, typically 10-12 feet long. You’ll still find that they’re usually about two to two-and-a-half feet deep, so they’re still safe for the kids to use when you’re not in the pool with them, but nearby.