LEGO® Rubber Band Car

Who’s up for a race? Just take some LEGO® bricks, a rubber band, a little imagination and create a car that really rolls! They can make the car however they’d like once the rubber band mechanism is complete, so no matter who’s at the wheel, they’ll have a sweet ride to zip around in all day long!
Let’s Get Started!
LEGO® Bricks Needed:
2 short axles
1 long axle
4 wheels
2 2x4 flat plates with holes
2 2x6 flat plates with holes
2 2x8 flat plates with holes
2 1x4 long bricks with holes
2 1x6 long bricks with holes
2 1x8 long bricks with holes
2 1x10 long bricks with holes
1 connector with pin
1 bush pin
1 axle and axle
Take one short axle and push it through the last hole of a 1x4 long brick with hole. Repeat this step, then secure both axle ends with a connector with pin.
Take one axle and push it through the last hole of a 1x6 long brick with hole. Push a 1x6 long brick with hole on the other end to create the other end of the car’s base.
Push wheels through the four ends of the axles.
Connect both 1x6 long bricks with holes and 1x4 bricks with holes using the 1x10 long bricks with holes.
Use the 2x6 flat plates with holes to secure both sides of the car together.
Begin building the car’s interior by using two 2x8 flat plates with holes on top of the 2x6 flat plates with holes.
Place a bush pin in the center hole of a 2x4 flat plate with holes. Secure it under the 2x8 flat plate with holes, farthest away from the tire axles secured using the connector with pin.* Use one more 2x4 flat plates with holes under the 2x8 flat plate with holes to fill the car’s interior without gaps.
Place two 1x8 long bricks with holes on either end of the two 2x8 flat plates with holes.
Add a steering wheel and accessories to the race car.
On the underside of the car, take a rubber band and loop one end around the bush pin and the other around the connector with pin.
Roll the wheels back to wrap the rubber band around the axle.
Place the car on a flat surface, roll it backwards, then release to watch it soar!
Roll the wheels back to wrap the rubber band around the axle.
Place the car on a flat surface, roll it backwards, then release to watch it soar!
*Once you have the rubber band mechanism completed, you can use your imagination to build the rest of the car.
watch how it's done!